Numerous people are not aware that their conviction in Whatcom County, Washington can be expunged? Expungement is a legal process that removes a criminal conviction from your record. This permits you to legally inform most employers inquiring into your background that you have not been convicted of a crime.

Clearing Your Record in Whatcom County

Usually, the process of expunging your record involves completing the court paperwork, gathering all the required mateirals, and then filing with the court in Whatcom County, Washington

However, not all convictions can be expunged, and often times a court will refuse to expunge some convictions. Considerations such as your prior history, your actions since your conviction, and the severity of your original conviction, all might determine whether your record will be expunged.

Whatcom County Attorneys Can Assist You Expunge Your Record Without Undue Delay

Having your criminal conviction expunged from your record is binding, and that is why you should seek the advice of an efficient expungement lawyer in Whatcom County to save time and money. An expungement is a legally binding court order with a rigid filing procedure; one mistake could have lasting consequences. Talk to an expungement lawyer in Whatcom County today to guarantee you get the clean record you deserve.