If you are being charged for a crime in Abingdon, Virginia you have the right to an attorney. You have the right to a jury trial in front of your peers. You are innocent until proven guilty, and the evidence against you must prove you committed the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. These are some of the most important rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Don' t throw them away with a hasty decision or because you feel intimidated by law enforcement.

Seek the Advice of a Qualified Trial Lawyer in Abingdon

An experienced trial lawyer can vastly change the plight of your case. Through experience and extensive study, trial lawyers are able to scrutinize the evidence and keep you from surrendering your rights unnecessarily.

Your trial attorney will be able to tell you the basic strengths and weaknesses of your case and recommend the best way to proceed. No matter your situation, do not give up your rights without first seeking the advice of a reputable trial attorney in Abingdon

Abingdon Trial Lawyers are Experienced in the Courtroom

It is a common misunderstanding that all attorneys in Abingdon are trial lawyers; nonetheless, most attorneys rarely see a courtroom and would not perform well in front of a jury. However, the truth is that many attorneys rarely if ever step foot in front of a judge or jury. Only attorneys who specialize in litigation regularly deal with trials, and even then they are often involved with the prosecution. If you are facing trial you want to find an attorney who has familiarity working before a jury.