Caught with drugs or just charged with a drug crime? If you are facing drug related charges, you should speak with an accomplished Drug Defense Lawyer in Fox Chapel PA.

There are varying degrees of drug crimes which carry corresponding punishments. Minor possession charges generally have minor penalties, while major trafficking charges can result in decades of prison time. Federal drug charges carry mandatory minimum sentences that give the defendant no chance of parole.

Discover Your Rights in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania

Drug sentences change dramatically in severity with location, so it's essential that your criminal defense Lawyer is familiar with the local criminal courts. Some courts offer drug diversion programs that allow first time offenders to seek drug treatment in lieu of jail or prison time. Your Fox Chapel Drug Defense Attorney is key because they know the appropriate local laws in PA, and can make sure that you are informed about every possible outcome of your situation.

Don't Delay- Talk to a Fox Chapel Drug Defense Lawyer Now

A drug charge on your record can affect future job prospects, student loan applications, even your chances of earning a professional license. You should talk to a dependable Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania Drug Defense Attorney now to ensure you don't further endanger your future.