If you are facing charges in Gonzales, Louisiana you have rights. The Constitution ensures you the right to an attorney, a trial in front of your peers, and to be presumed innocent until found guilty. It is crucial to understand your rights and make sure they are not being violated at the hands of law enforcement or a wayward prosecutor.

Consult with a Knowledgeable Trial Lawyer in Gonzales

The courtroom can be an intimidating place is you don't know what you're doing. There may be ways to challenge the charges that have been laid against you. Perhaps the evidence that the police collected is inadmissible, or the key character witness is actually lying.

Before signing anything, discuss your case with a reputable trial attorney in Gonzales

Gonzales Trial Lawyers are Efficient in the Courtroom

Most people think that all lawyers in Gonzales are able to effectively argue in open court. A trial lawyer has courtroom experience and knows the procedures to successfully litigate your case. The right trial lawyer for you should put your interests first and be comfortable before a jury.