Kenosha Trial Lawyer

Find the right Trial attorney in Kenosha, WI

If you are being charged for a crime in Kenosha, Wisconsin there are a number of legal protections. These rights include the right to have an attorney present with you during any questioning by the police, the right to a trial by a jury of your peers, and the right to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt. These essential rights are grounded in the Constitution of the United States, but you can still throw them away if you are not careful.

Seek the Advice of a Qualified Trial Attorney in Kenosha

A qualified trial attorney can help examine your case and find its strengths. For instance, did the police fail to provide a proper warning? They can also help point out weaknesses in both your defense and the prosecution's case. Were you alone that night? Is the witness unreliable?

Before signing anything, discuss your case with a reliable trial attorney in Kenosha

Kenosha Trial Attorneys Are Experienced Litigators

It is a common misunderstanding that all attorneys in Kenosha are trial lawyers; nonetheless, most attorneys rarely see a courtroom and would not perform well in front of a jury. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, many attorneys go their entire professional careers without stepping foot into court, let alone argue in front of a judge or challenge witnesses. If you are facing a criminal trial, you want a lawyer that is experienced in this situation.

Talk to a Criminal Defense Law Attorney now!

Life in Kenosha

Kenosha is located in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. It's population was 99,218 as of 2011. It is a well-recognized city in Wisconsin because it is the fourth largest city in the state. Surrounding areas include Chicago, Milwaukee, Green Bay and Kale Michigan

Some popular areas include Washington Park, Petrifying Springs Park, Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum, and Library Park. As evident, Kenosha is a great host to nature-lovers because of its many parks.

Top employers include Milken Institute, Abbott Laboratories, Simmons Bedding Company, Jockey International, and American Motors Corporation. To support such companies, Kenosha also has an excellent legal force capable of handling the legal needs of both residents and corporations.

All in all, Kenosha has some beautiful sites, offers small town charm and a loving community. It is a wonderful place to call home or visit!

Clients Rate LegalMatch Attorneys
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Kaveh N.
Kaveh N.

Defense & Criminal Law

McLean, VA

Andres C.
Andres C.

Defense & Criminal Law

San Diego, CA

Patrick S.
Patrick S.

Defense & Criminal Law

Rockville, MD