Were you cognizant that your criminal charges in Fayetteville, New York may later be removed from your record? Expungement is the legal process by which a criminal record is either sealed or destroyed after a specific period of time has lapsed. If your record has been expunged, you may be able to apply for a job without reporting a prior criminal conviction.

Fayetteville Record Clearning

Under normal circumstances, the process of expunging your record involves completing the proper paperwork, getting the court documents of your original case, and then filing with the court in Fayetteville, New York

You cannot expunge every kind of charge. Plus in some cases, convictions are automatically sealed after a certain period of time. Expungement policies vary according to location and crime.

Fayetteville Attorneys Can Assist You Expunge Your Record Without Undue Delay

Expungement is a legally binding court order. As such, it would be wise to seek the help of an expungement lawyer in Fayetteville to save time and money. An expungement is a legally binding court order with a rigid filing procedure; one mistake could have lasting consequences. Talk to an expungement lawyer in Fayetteville to be sure that your record is cleared efficiently.